A number of different branding projects I’ve worked on over the last years – including logo design, illustrations, layout, websites, photography and more
Cafe Botanika
Conception and design of the brand identity – including the logo, all graphic materials & photography for Cafe Botanika in Freising, Germany

Nestled in a unique green landscape, the cafe enchants with its impressive view. The nature that surrounds the cafe inspired me to the brand design. Natural, green colors meet illustrations with a certain vintage charm
Julia Obermayr
I designed the brand identity and shot the press images for the internationally successful stylist Julia Obermayr, whose work has been published in prestigious titles such as L’Officiell, Glamour & LATEST magazine

Jean-Philippe Repp
Branding for a swiss arborist: a clean, modern signet – with the R for Repp resembled by the path next to the tree
Brautmoden Gantner
DAS KLEID translates to THE DRESS. You know which one. I developed a new branding for Brautmoden Gantner, a bridal fashion store in the south of Munich. Originally intended only as a website renewal, I have comprehensively redesigned the whole appearance of the brand – including logo and website.

High quality, modern, with a touch of femininity – to best reflect the brand
Miscellaneous Logos
Collection of logos I have designed over the last years